If It’s Censored, It’s Not Art

If It’s Censored, It’s Not Art

Since humans figured out that they could draw, we’ve pulled our thoughts out of our minds and manifested them on any and every surface we can find. We find inspiration in nature, in industry. Because we’re a pretty narcissistic species, we also find inspiration in our own bodies. 

Growing up in the mid-90’s/early millennium, art that featured the human form naked or in an erotic way was considered risque and by risque, I mean forbidden. 

Our generation has challenged the idea that the human body can’t be appreciated for the hot, sensual love-machine it is. We can create life within us, cities rise and fall over the body of a woman - what’s not to love? 

When I first moved into my home, I had a hard time not conforming to my parent’s generational distaste for anything that could make people, in a word, “moist”. After all, they said, art must be “tasteful”. It must adhere to a theme. Finally, after a few months of searching out affordable art that was still quality, I did what any good Millennial does: I went Instagram shopping.

I wasn’t really sure what to look for, but I knew that whatever it was, it needed to be bold and polarizing. I wanted wall art that looked like it had been influencer curated, pulled directly out of a home decor Instagrammer’s home. That’s when I found ArtSugar.

As soon as I visited ArtSugar’s website, I was inspired. Modern, provocative artwork like If It’s Censored, It’s Not Art screamed out to me (but not really, that would be terrifying). The prices are attainable, the art is relevant, and that was the last stop I made on my art purchasing journey. 

When we painted our home, I knew I wanted cool greys throughout - all except for one room. We painted our living room a bright mixture between brick and fire truck red, creating a warm space that we, as a family, spend most of our time in. I’ve been hesitant when it comes to buying bright artwork for the room, because I thought that “less was more”. In doing some research into 2020’s projected interior design trends, it seems like this might be my year to shine!

Minimalism is a thing of the past, as maximalism pulls in to visit. Maximalism isn’t about excess, but about utilizing a space with a ton of color, contrasting pieces and an abundance of character. Maximalism is about surrounding yourself with art and decor that you love, filling your rooms with vibrance and personality. 

So, after all this, what will become of my red room? I’ve got my eyes on the very sexy Shine Bright Like Blue Zircon, Galaxy Lollipop and Lips Pillow Talk: United States of America over on ArtSugar. Diamonds, money and sex - who can’t love that? 

I guess what I’m saying is, it’s time to throw off the veil of conservative art in your home and embrace your generational advantage of open-mindedness and above all, color. If you love a piece, buy it. If it’s a naked woman eating an ice cream cone while riding a Sumatran rhino, even better. And if you find such a piece, make sure to let me know.

Sara Wagner for ArtSugar, December 18, 2019

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