New York Minute Framed Print

Frame Color
Exclusively designed
Dimensions include mat & frame.
Framed in solid wood, ArtSugar's curated framed prints arrive ready to hang. Printed on satin (210 gsm) paper, with archival inks, our prints feature a low glare satin finish and are made to last a lifetime. Dimensions pertain to the frame size - the inside artwork is sized proportionately. All dimensions are in inches. All ArtSugar products are made with eco-friendly materials.

Meagan Morrison is a Canadian-born, New York-based fashion illustrator, brand ambassador, and the founder behind creative illustration studio and lifestyle brand, Travel Write Draw. Meagan started Travel Write Draw as a blog in 2010 as a way to manifest her dream profession of traveling the world and illustrating the journey through a fashion-art lens. Since then, it has evolved into an immersive brand, garnering thousands of community members, and led to creative illustration partnerships with the world’s leading fashion and travel brands. Meagan believes in living boldly and that our greatest potential exists just beyond our fears. Whether she is painting her way across the globe for a client, or transporting you through her vibrant, whimsical illustrations, she does so with her signature joyful optimism and joie de vivre.

Ships within two weeks via UPS or USPS.

Smaller Size framed prints are shipped in a clear poly bag, bubble wrapped, then wrapped in thin corrugated cardboard to protect corners and boxed.

Larger sizes are shipped in a clear poly bag, bubble wrapped, and given styrofoam protected corners, then boxed.


View on Your Wall

Use our AR feature on your phone to see how this artwork will look on your wall. Just tap the button and watch our products come to life.


Mix and match any print from the collection - they all work well hung together in any space.


Framed prints look great hanging on a wall, but they look super chic leaning on a shelf, or table!


Just in time for holiday season, nothing compairs to the gift of a framed print!

meet the artist

Meagan Morrison is a Canadian-born, New York-based fashion illustrator, brand ambassador, and the founder behind creative illustration studio and lifestyle brand, Travel Write Draw. Meagan started Travel Write Draw as a blog in 2010 as a way to manifest her dream profession of traveling the world and illustrating the journey through a fashion-art lens. Since then, it has evolved into an immersive brand, garnering thousands of community members, and led to creative illustration partnerships with the world’s leading fashion and travel brands. Meagan believes in living boldly and that our greatest potential exists just beyond our fears. Whether she is painting her way across the globe for a client, or transporting you through her vibrant, whimsical illustrations, she does so with her signature joyful optimism and joie de vivre.

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